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Filton GP surgery gets new management team

NHS England.

The NHS has appointed a new management team to run a GP practice in Filton.

BrisDoc Healthcare Services will take over the running of Northville Family Practice from 15th January 2016, for the next two years.

This follows the recent resignation of contract by the current GP partners Amanda Ramshaw, Donna Dickens and Grace Dalley.

BrisDoc is a local GP organisation with a strong track record of running GP out of hours services, an extended opening GP Practice and a walk in service.

To allow a quick and seamless handover of services, it was appointed by NHS England from a pool of bidders already approved via a full, open procurement process.

Although the current GP partners will be leaving the practice, many of the existing staff will remain. BrisDoc is currently recruiting a team of new GPs to provide medical services and plan to run a series of open evenings at the surgery in the new year so that patients can meet the new team.

NHS England is aware of the growing demand for services in the Filton area, especially in light of the amount of new housing that is planned. Securing this service means that NHS England can now focus on working with patients and the local community to look at how best to plan for the long term future for GP services in the area.

NHS England South West Medical Contract Manager, Caroline Stead, said:

“We are pleased to have an organisation with such a strong track record taking over at Northville and we are confident that patients will continue to get the same high quality services they are used to.

“We are now looking forward to talking to local people about how best to provide services to the population in the future.”

Dr Nigel Taylor, from BrisDoc, said:

“We are pleased  to have the opportunity run the GP medical services at the Northville Family Practice. We want the local community to benefit from a quality service staff and will be working with NHS England to continue the existing practice providing for the needs of the local people.”

BrisDoc was formed by local GPs to provide the GP Out of Hours service in Bristol. Over the past 15 years the company has grown and now employs more than 300 staff. BrisDoc is now responsible for the GP Out of Hours service in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire as well as an extended opening GP Practice with a nurse led walk in service and two GP Support teams working in Acute Hospitals.

For more information about BrisDoc, contact Beverly Dickinson on 0117 937 0900.

Source: Press release from NHS England – South West.

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