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Airfield redevelopment ‘drop-in’ consultation event at BAWA

Artist's impression of the central park at the former Filton Airfield site.

Representatives of the company behind the proposed redevelopment of the Filton Airfield site will be at BAWA in Southmead Road, Filton tomorrow (Friday 16th May) for a ‘drop-in’ consultation event.

A spokesperson for the company told The Journal:

“Following the six consultation events held in February, we are now holding a second round of events. As part of these events, local residents are being asked to help choose the name for the development and the streets and buildings within it.”

“We will also release some profiles of celebrated engineers and pilots on our website, but we want local residents in the area to provide us their suggestions first. An example could be to call it Concorde Park, as the most widely known plane to have been developed and flown from Filton.”

Tomorrow’s event at BAWA [BS34 7RG] runs from 3pm to 8pm.

A ‘drop-in’ event is also being held today (Thursday 15th May), between 3pm and 8pm, at the Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Southmead [BS10 5PY].

The spokesperson added:

“There will also be more information about transport improvements planned for the wider area, which was one of the main interests of local people at previous events, as well as new jobs and museums planned for the site.”

Further information is available by contacting the Filton Airfield community relations team on 0800 130 3270 or

Image: Artist’s impression of the central park.

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  1. Name for the development?

    How about “Disaster”.

    They’ll probably settle on something tacky like Concorde Glades, just to rub it in……

  2. Since the decision to shut the airport was clearly based on who could make the most money from the deal and nothing at all about improving the lives of local residents, how about these for some ideas; ‘Rip-off Road’ , ‘Conman Cul-de-sac’ , ‘Sell-out Street’ , ‘Losers Lane’ and if there is a nice bit of green we can all share on sunny days they could call it ‘cashin Common’.
    Not that I’m bitter and didn’t lose my job as a result of the disgraceful sell off of the airport, but, I’d like a list of all those who stand to make money out of this farce.

  3. how about stop moaning and find a good name that fits the new development, what is done is done we cant change things ,we can just move forward.
    how did you lose you job may I ask you

  4. Went to one of these road shows and it was very good lots of people there to answer my questions pictures and lot of plans to look at to see what they want to submit

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