South Gloucestershire councillors are to carry out an inspection of the Filton Police Station site this Friday (14th February) to assess the impact of a proposed redevelopment that would see the construction of 18 affordable homes.
The public meeting, due to start at around 11.15am, will see members of the Development Control (West) Sites Inspection Sub-Committee assess “the impact on the character and visual amenity of the area, the impact on residential amenity and highway safety and amenity”.
The inspection was ordered by the Development Control (West) Committee at its meeting on 30th January, despite being the committee being advised to approve the planning application in a report prepared by council officers.
Following the site inspection, the application is likely to be re-considered by the Development Control (West) Committe on 27th February.
Filton Town Council has raised no objections to the scheme, saying it “should enhance the area”, but three letters of objection have been received from local residents, citing amongst other issues, concerns about highway safety, overbearing appearance (part of the proposed development is 3-storey) and insufficient car parking.
The applicant, Knightstone Housing, has indicated that it is unable to meet the S106 financial contributions that would usually be expected under the council’s policies, on the grounds that the scheme consists of 100% affordable homes.
According to the council officers’ report, Knightstone would need to commence building on the site in April 2014, to ensure completion by 31st March 2015, which is a requirement of Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) grant funding.
More info: Agenda for the Sites Inspection Sub-Committee visit