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Council set to approve Gating Order for access lanes off four Filton streets

A gated access lane off Sixth Avenue, Filton.

Officers at South Gloucestershire Council are recommending approval of a proposal to install gates on a number of rear access lanes in the Filton area.

Members of the council’s Communities Committee, which meets next Tuesday (28th January), are being recommended to approve a Gating Order that will apply to rear access lanes serving Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Eighth Avenue and Ninth Avenue.

The recommendation follows a public consultation held in September last year, in which all but one of the 54 respondents supported the proposals.

The scheme, which is community-led and has been supported by the Neighbourhood Policing team, is being funded through a combination of a grant and contributions from residents.

According to a report published in advance of the meeting, the Gating Order is being sought because police statistics demonstrate that this area of Filton is subject to high levels of crime and anti-social behaviour. Furthermore, council records show high levels of fly tipping along the lanes.

Previous gating schemes on rear access lanes in the Filton area are said to have been very successful at reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.

If the Gating Order is approved by the committee, there will follow a six week period during which appeals may be made to the High Court.

More info: Plan showing the lanes to be gated [PDF, 518kB]

Photo: Existing gate on an access lane off Sixth Avenue.

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  1. South Gloucestershire Council’s Communities Committee tonight agreed to make the gating order needed by law that will allow gates to be installed at back lanes off Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Avenues in Filton.

    Local Labour Councillor Roger Hutchinson, who submitted a statement to the committee encouraging members to vote for the order, said he was very pleased with the outcome.

    Councillor Hutchinson said:

    “As a local councillor I support the gating order for these Filton roads’ back lanes. There are a number of lanes in Filton that are already gated or where residents are still working towards getting them and I have been involved in supporting most of them. Where they are in existence they have made a difference.”

    “The lanes off these roads have historically been easy targets for fly tippers, speedy car drivers, or even as getaway lanes for people up to no good, and a focus for general anti-social behaviour.”

    “Residents have campaigned for the gates and waited for many months to obtain some relief as it involves a lengthy legal process. I am very pleased the order has now been made and I pay tribute to their patience and hard work.”

    Source: South Gloucestershire Labour news release

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