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Planners grant permission for redevelopment of Texaco Garage site

Filton Park Service Station (Texaco). Gloucester Road North.

Planners at South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) have granted permission for the Filton Park (Texaco) Service Station on Gloucester Road North to be demolished and replaced with four retail units and a café.

The site lies between the junctions of Braemar Avenue and Broncksea Road and is separated from a block of shops and apartments to the south by a row of large Cypress trees.

The approved plans show one larger shop unit (290m2) to the south of the site, with three smaller shop units (each 90m2) and a café unit (140m2) separated from the main road by a car parking area having 21 spaces.

Vehicular access will be from the main road at a single point, with pedestrian access from both the main road and Broncksea Road.

Opening times will be limited to 7am to 11pm and the development is anticipated to employ 14 full-time and 26 part-time staff.

A previous application to redevelop the site was withdrawn earlier this year. The revised plans that have now been approved have the new buildings scaled down in size and set back further from the main road.

In comments submitted on the application, Filton Town Council “strongly recommended” that the petrol station’s redundant tanks be completely removed, as the new building will be constructed above them, but SGC officers say this will depend on the outcome of a contamination report which the applicant is required to submit following investigation by an expert.

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