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Filton Enterprise Area

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West of England Local Enterprise Partnership

The West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has named Filton Airfield an ‘Enterprise Area’, one of five such areas in the region.

The LEP says the Enterprise Area designations will:

“… bring benefits and make it easier for developments to take place, ensuring economic growth across the whole of the sub-region.”

The Enterprise Areas are in addition to the LEP’s official Enterprise Zone at Temple Quarter, Bristol.

From a LEP Board briefing note, 13th January 2012:

“Filton – South Gloucestershire Council is bringing forward a new strategic planning framework for the Cribbs Causeway/Patchway/Filton area incorporating 5,700 new homes and 50 hectares of employment land.”

Related links:

The development of the Filton Enterprise Area (EA), whilst lead by South Gloucestershire Council (SGC), will be developed in close collaboration with existing leading businesses and the further and higher education centres within the area.


Filton Enterprise Area Profile

Filton EA is one of a select group of strategically important employment locations across the West of England that complements the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone in the West of England. Each Enterprise Area will have defined incentives for business.

The Filton EA is located on the north fringe of Bristol alongside the A38 in very close proximity to the M4/M5 motorway interchange providing direct East- West access to London and Cardiff and North-South access to the Midlands and South West.

The Filton EA has at is hear a strategic new allocation of 50ha of essentially greenfield employment land located within the Cribbs/Patchway new neighbourhood with further capacity for development of around another 50ha on surrounding sites.

Filton has a long and successful history in advanced engineering, aerospace and defence driven by knowledge innovation, enterprise and excellence which today confirms the position of Filton as a world leader in cutting-edge aerospace and aviation technology. The area is already the established home for a number of world class aerospace, advanced engineering and manufacturing businesses including Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and GKN who already benefit from the unrivalled location, profile, access and highly skilled workforce.

Map showing boundary of the Filton Enterprise Area, Bristol.

Image: Boundaries of the Filton Enterprise Area (click to enlarge)

Read more: Filton Enterprise Area Profile [PDF] (SGC)


Public Consultation

South Gloucestershire Council is asking for views on the proposed boundary of the Filton Enterprise Area, one of four such areas in the district that are intended to “act as magnets for inward investment and boost the local economy by creating thousands of new jobs”. Read more …

Filton Enterprise Area – consultation on proposed boundary (SGC)

The consultation closes on Friday 12th October 2012.


Filton Enterprise Area in the Media

Engineering firm Altran UK opens second office in Filton
9th July 2014 | Bristol Post
Engineering firm Altran UK has opened a second office in Bristol. It is at the BAE Systems Advanced Technology Centre in Filton and is part of the Filton Enterprise Area, recognised as a hub for innovation in aerospace and defence.

New ‘Enterprise Areas’ to drive jobs growth
16th June 2012 | South Glos Post
Conservative councillors have welcomed the formal designation of three flagship ‘Enterprise Areas’ at Filton, Emersons Green and Severnside in South Gloucestershire.

West of England LEP on Twitter

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